Essay on Humility

 Humility: the virtue, we should not forget

“We learned about gratitude and humility - that so many people had a hand in our success, from the teachers who inspired us to the janitors who kept our school clean... and we were taught to value everyone's contribution and treat everyone with respect”- Michelle Obama

What is humility? It is the quality that keeps us grounded even when we are at the peak of success. Sadly we often forget to be humble with the people surrounding us when we are successful. Whole life we aspire to become successful but we never pray to God for humility. It is the quality which will give you friends and its absence will take away your friends from you. People always love to be associated with the person who is humble. Intelligent people often forget that whatever knowledge they have gathered it is of no use if they are not polite. Rich people often forget that wealth is not permanent. They should help the needy ones when they have enough wealth with them.

As a child, you should be respectful to your parents and not take them for granted. If you are asked to help in household work at home do not ask for money or prize in exchange. Do it selflessly. You should always be kind to the servants working for you. Because of them you get time to engage in other activities.

Always, be humble to other fellow students studying with you. If you are excellent in academics or any extra-curricular activity and you always come first in any competition you should always stay grounded.  You should not feel superior to others and demean them. You should offer help to students who are not able to understand difficult topics. While playing sports you should always follow sportsmanship and accept failure and victory with humility. If your opponent team wins, accept it gracefully and appreciate their efforts and congratulate. Do not be jealous of other person’s victory. If someone is new in your class you should go and introduce yourself to that person and include him/her in your group. You should always be humble to your teachers. You should respect them and follow their suggestions.

If you practice humility, you will always be loved and appreciated by others in your life.


Nelson Mandela Explains the Importance of Humility | The Oprah Winfrey Show | Oprah Winfrey Network


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