Comments on my father's story

when I wrote my father's story I never expected it would be of 5 pages.  One thing I did seriously was pray to God and take my father's blessings before writing anything. I would ask him to give me correct words to describe him. I started writing and it went on and on. My expectation was to touch at least 1 person who would relate to my emotions. The feeling of losing someone especially a parent is very painful. Somewhere I knew in my heart that some people will be touched by my story. I got so many nice and emotional comments from my friends, my brother's friends and sister's friends. It was overwhelming. These comments are not mine but these are for my father whose story was so powerful that anyone would get emotional. I have written all the comments in this post as a small gesture of gratitude towards my friends.  I have copy pasted them as they were written because every single line coming from my friends is precious to me.


प्रिय राधा अनेक आशीर्वाद 🙏लेख वाचताना मला अतिशय गहिवरून आलं.मला ते नेहमी मानस पुत्र म्हणायचे.मी त्यांच्या समवेत खूपच समरस झालो होतो.माझ्या जवळ त्यांच्या सुवर्ण आठवणी आहेत.मी स्वप्न रूपाने पाहत असतो.मला नेहमी संपूर्ण कुटू बाचे स्मरण होत असते.पप्पूच्या लहानपणीच्या प्राथमिक शाळेत जाण्याच्या गोष्टी आठवतात. अंजुबाई खूप अभ्यास करायची. राधाबाई हुशार होत्या.बऱ्याच गोष्टी आहेत.पप्पुच्या सासरवडीला सुध्दा जाऊन आलो होतो.त्यांना आनंद झाला होता. बरे असो.अभिनंदन सुवर्ण आठवणींना उजाळा मिळाला. राधाबाई चे कौतुक करावे तितके कमी आहे.भेटी अंती खुलासा 👍🙏डॉ.श्रीराम रोकडे

Excellent Radha.....kaka stood up in front of eyes....Excellent writeup....he must feel very proud n happy looking your writing skill...where ever he is....Ishwar may keep him in Devine happiness wherever he is ....bless you ...-Samidha tai

You write very well. I do read all your blogs and the blog about your father made me re live the moments. Keep on writing. Ashish Kulkarni GCOE Amravati

This has made me so's so good to know so many amazing things about Kaka..i am sure he is very proud of his talented, loving n kind daughter.- This got me so emotional Radha!!! Such a moving write up n his true legacy is his kids who remember n cherish every minute detail of his!! I m sure he is in a happier place n is very proud of u !! Radha....reading those lines...i could not stop my tears. U r a very good daughter. He must be so proud of u!---Rucha

Very well expressed Radha 🙏- Prashant Chendke

great writeup- Supriya shinde

very much inspiring , n also related to my father, Nice to read n remember ur loved one in this way- Jyoti

got and read too..amazing ! very inspirational too! radha has a very high esteem for her Daddy..very very proud of her Dad! nd why not- Menfy Bhaiya

... अगदी आपले लहानपण डोळ्यापुढे आले ... हुबेहूब वर्णन केले आहेस... काका 🙏🏻 खरंच एक वेगळेच व्यक्तिमत्त्व होते... सगळ्यांपेक्षा वेगळे.... काका- काकुंच्या छान स्वभावामुळे आपल्या लहानपण च्या आठवणींना चार चाँद लागले.... 😍 लहानपण आठवलं की तुझे घर आधी डोळ्यासमोर येते... जास्तीतजास्त वेळ तुझ्याच घरी घालवला आहे आपण🤗.... मस्त लिहिले आहे 😘😘- swati

Anjali Jawdekar: Khoop chan lihele aahe g Radhu ni. Agdi sopya shabdat pan heart -touching.wachatanna Pani aale dolyat .Angali tu khoop thuzya babansarkhi aahes.really he was very great personality.🙏🏻🙏🏻- Sneha gachke

Good evening...The way you expressed about your Father's lif , only girls(you) can do it....Every small n minutes things  you remember like fresh memories.I like ur father's journey of life...He was really amazing person...tabhi to aap jaise beti h uncle ki....Many points of uncle's characteristics match with you... you r also a very nice n talented person...God bless you...🙌 – Sunita Pal

Mr. Patil (was in yesterday s comment) called up Abhay and appreciated. Said that writing is like a professional writer -Mr. Patil


खुपच छान आठवणी लिहील्या आहेत राधा बाळुदादाच्या.मी पण अगदी हाच विचार मनात आणत होतो त्यास तु तुझ्या लेखणीतुन प्रगट  खुपच छान प्रकारे व्यक्त केल्या आहेस.तुझे खुप कौतुक व आदरणीय बाळुदादास भावपुर्ण आदरांजलीहो ना मी पण खुप miss करतो बाळुदादास. आँफीसच्या कामानिमित्त मी जेव्हा जेव्हा नागपूर येथे जात असु तेव्हा तेव्हा प्रतेक खेपेस मी तुमच्या कडे येऊन ऐक,दोन दिवस मुक्काम करत असे,तेव्हा आईच्या (वहिनी) हातचे गरम गरम जेवण विशेष पोळ्या खात असे सोबत बाळू दादा असायचाच तोंडीलावयला.भरपूर बोलत असे तो तसेच रात्री पण झोपताना ऊशीरा परयं विविध विषयावर गप्पा होत असतं.याची नेहमीच आठवण येते मनात माझ्या. तु खरचं सुंदर बायोग्राफी लिहीली आहेस.कौतुक तुझे.अमोघ कसा आहे आता?- Sunil Deshpande, Aurangabad

Excellent trip down the memory lane.Also for any daughter her father is first and last hero. One can feel shades of his upbringing in your personality. Best is that you could pen it down. He will feel proud of you from wherever he is. Majority of our generation had fathers with similar shades of personality, the generation itself was brought up itself with some value system which helped us grow. Great blog. – unknown

राधा,खूप छान लिहिलय. बाबांची संपूर्ण बायोग्राफी उभी केलीस.चतुर्थ स्मरणदिनानिमीत्ताने आमचीही बाबांना विनम्र श्रद्धांजली. आई बाबा.- Vasant Kulkarni

M speechless Radha, you expressed it soo well 👍🏻👍🏻Shilpa Rajurkar

Well written Radha. Loved it. Your words paint a beautiful picture of your father's life journey. We get to know his personality very well without ever knowing him.Great tribute...he must b so proud of you��God Bless – Unknown

Ashwini Kulkarni हो खरच आहे

त्या आठवणी आज ही कायम आहेत.- Arun Parbhanikar

Really a emotional writeup. Very well expressed.- Sheetal Mangla

Very well expressed-Shailaja Kiran

Certainly a great writing when a daughter writes about her father...🙏- Ashish Kulkarni Extc

Khup chhan lihile Radha. Aata kalale ki tula ha varsa kuthun milala. Aaj Sunday aslyane ani tuzya vadilansathi tu lihile  tyamule vel kadhun purn vachle. Kahi english words samjale nahit pan bhavna pohochlya. Khup chhan vatavaran milale tula ani guidance pan.- Sarika Pimpalgaonkar

Radha, I am not sure why I am not able to post the comments against your blogs 😁 but anyways. I will fix it. This is what I was trying to post there…Radha, thanks for sharing such an inspiring journey of your father. I could visualise it while reading every sentence of this story and could relate to many similar things. That’s a depth of your writing skill. You are definitely taking your father’s legacy ahead…he must be so proud of you. And your blogs are really motivating. At least you have motivated me for sure. I am not a regular book reader but after reading you, I have started devoting some time for it now :) keep writing and I wish you come up with your own book soon :) Poonam Mahajan

Straight from heart.🙏🏼Very well written. I am really amazed by your writing skills. Very touching. Its good you have written it. otherwise we would not have known it. Pallavi Dadhi


Ashwini I have just read through your story.Each word comes from the heart and I came to know what a great loving person your father was and that you carry the same spirit in you.All facets of his life have been crafted and written so emotionally.What a graphic story told with love,respect and fond remembrances. God Bless you. Ashwini you have so painstakingly written your father’s story and I can easily visualise him.This is a labour of love and respect and a picture forms all facets of his personality and your early formative years.You are blessed. - Poonam Misra

FB post Chan hoti mala June diwas aawathwale. Mala yach changal watat ki shewtchya diwasat mi sobat hote- Rajani Aatya


 Link to My father's story


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