Benefits of fasting

I started Dr. Dixit Diet in the month of July and since then I followed it without break. Initially, I aimed to lose weight so I started with 2 meals a day. I found amazing results after following this diet. Then somewhere I came across one amazing video of Dr. Pradip Jamnadas who is a cardiologist by profession. His lecture was an eyeopener for me. was so impressed by his lecture that I kept 24hours water fast. I had already left sugar and was having 2 meals a day daily, so it was not a big problem for me to stay hungry for 24hours a day. When I got more confident, I started keeping fast on "Ekadashi" twice a month. On Ekadashi, I keep water fast for 40 hours. That means, if I have dinner tonight at 8pm, I'll directly eat at 12noon, during my lunch which will be the day after tomorrow. Keeping water fast on Ekadashi helped me a lot in many aspects. I was able to lose weight without much efforts. In these 8 months, I have lost 13 kg. Also, I have found something amazing. When I don't eat on Ekadashi, there is so much mental peace. I feel so good as if I am meditating. I even go for walks during my fasts. There is slight tiredness but it comes and goes. I have water and the next moment I feel fresh. There is no such rule that you have to fast only on Ekadashi. I keep fast on Ekadashi because it is easy to remember. You can decide any 2 days in a month for water fasting. I was so motivated that I also did 48hours of water fasting on 31st Dec. With fasting, I was even able to get rid of tea and coffee addiction. Now I am having just two meals a day. No tea or coffee in between. I feel fresh and fit. I keep two water fasts in a month. So on other days, even if I eat something which consists of high calories, I can compensate on the fasting days. Thus with intermittent fasting maintaining the weight becomes easy.

Dr. Pradip Jamnadas has very aptly explained the various health benefits of fasting. Fasting not only helps in weight loss but also helps to cure various diseases. It improves your immunity, helps in reverse aging, and improves your skin texture. Fasting also stimulates autophagy. what is autophagy? Auto is "self" and phagy is "eat". Autophagy is a self-cleaning process of our body in which the body removes the unwanted molecules or dysfunctional parts in the cells which otherwise may cause damage to other healthy cells. In autophagy our cells eat the unwanted damaged cells. The body repairs itself through autophagy and regenerates new cells. Autophagy also helps to deal with several diseases. You will get to learn more about Autophagy along with ketosis in Dr. Pradip's lecture. 

Fasting is already being practiced in different religions on different occasions. With time, people forgot the benefits of fasting. But there are doctors like Dr. Jamnadas and Dr. Jason Fung who are creating awareness about fasting amongst people. As per Dr. Jamnadas, "we are born to feast and fast". You can also read "The Obesity Code" by Dr. Jason Fung to get more knowledge on intermittent fasting. 

Children below 18 years, pregnant women or lactating mothers should avoid intermittent fasting. If you are taking any medicine or undergoing any treatment and then please consult your doctor before keeping fast. 

Links of Lectures:

Fasting For Survival Lecture by Dr Pradip Jamnadas

The Fat Lies Lecture by Dr. Pradip Jamnadas, MD

Dr. Pradip Jamnadas exposes "The Bittersweet Truth"

Dr. Jason Fung: Fasting as a Therapeutic Option for Weight Loss



Purple Heart! said…
What an inspiring write-up, was having my 3rd tea since morning while reading it n réaliséd i need to try this!
Ashwini said…
The lectures are really amazing. Very helpful
Unknown said…
Firstly congratulations, great efforts and great self control.yes it's true and proven various types of diet program like 12-12,16-8, 8-8-8 hourly gaps helps maintaining weight but important is not have in between.fasts are proven and practiced in hindu rituals, but I like more them for sabudana khichadi(haha).actually body requirements are very less, it's more to do with tongue.i have known few close friends having only two rotis in a day , a 90 year old uncle is fit with one chapati and one glass milk in a finally it boils down to your resolve, body will respond.because weight is one most important parameter of managing the health.if we manage weight we can manage diseases free life.i think I written more than blog....(haha)
Ashwini said…
Thank you..keep writing

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