Book Review- " Becoming" by Michelle Obama

Today I finished reading “Becoming” by Michelle Obama. I enjoyed reading this book. Becoming is about the chronicle of experiences of Michelle Obama’s life’s journey right from her childhood to her days in the White House. It feels that you are entering into her world through this book. This book cannot be finished quickly as there are about 426 pages to read, with 24 chapters and three sections named, Becoming me, becoming us, and becoming more. You can also go for the audio version of this book which is about 20 hours long. It took almost 15 days for me to complete "Becoming". The book is not an easy read because there are so many things that will compel you to ponder. You will smile and cry along with the author.

The preface starts with a beautiful message that becoming is limitless. As per the author, “what do you want to be after growing up?” is the most useless question asked by adults to any child. She feels growing up is infinite and she followed the same principle in her life. She worked as a lawyer, vice president at hospital, director of NGO, and eventually the first lady of the United States of America. She ceaselessly grew in her stature.

Michelle Obama has narrated everything about her childhood in Chicago, about her parents, relatives, friends, teachers, and all those who inspired and helped her in her journey of becoming who she is at present. Her parents had a very humble background and both of them instilled a strong value system in their children. She has mentioned in the book that her parents were raising adults. They treated them as grownups and listened to them carefully. She also mentions how the remarks made by her college counselor stating that she wasn’t a Princeton material, disturbed her. But she didn’t bother about the counselor’s judgment and very confidently pursued her dreams. Her statement "I wasn't going to let one person's opinion dislodge everything I thought I knew about myself”, has really touched me. How easily we give charge to other people to decide about our life, which is so wrong. Whatever we are doing should be for our happiness rather than to please others. In this book, she has also described her achievements, disappointments, public and private life experiences, political campaigns, marriage, and motherhood in her own words.

I also enjoyed reading the love story of Barack Obama and Michelle Robinson Obama. The incident when he proposed to Michelle is adorable. Michelle has mentioned their frequent debates over the topic of marriage in this book. She was in favor of marriage and Barack was not an ardent believer in marriage. On one such dinner date, Barack triggered the topic of marriage and both of them started arguing, and both being lawyers the quarrel was more of attorney-style. After a lot of cross-examination, punches, dissections, the conversation took a different turn altogether. When I read how he played a prank on her and later proposed to her with a diamond ring placed in a chocolate cake, I thought I was watching any movie scene. It was so awesome. Their relationship, respect for each other, and understanding are quite emulating. Michelle has shared about how difficult it was for her to conceive her first child. She has narrated about her miscarriages, IVF treatment, and how she was able to overcome the pregnancy issues by sharing with her friends.

There are number of reasons to read this book. This book is an honest memoir written in a very articulate way. You will feel a kind of admiration and affection for Michelle Obama after reading this book. I am so thrilled that I could read this book and could pick up the bits of wisdom shared by the author. The book deeply inspires the readers and at the same time gives a refreshing reading experience.

 My favorite quote from the book is

 “If you don’t get out there and define yourself, you’ll be quickly and inaccurately defined by others.-Michelle Obama”


Becoming, by Michelle Obama Audiobook Excerpt


Unknown said…
Nicely written blog.we could feel as if we have read the could have been good english MA professor.There is no doubt if one has to grow up beyond the normal course and achieve the dreams , he or she must ignore the world.given a chance world won't even allow you to walk one step i am sure everyone of us goes through criticism and challenges.mrs obama having achieved such a great heights would have equally faced great challenges. Keep writing.thanks.
Ashwini said…
Thank you so much for such beautiful comment.
Yes...excellent writeup Radha...keep it up ...waiting for your book...🙂🙂👌👌👏👏✌🏻✌🏻
Ashwini said…
Thank you so much samidha tai for your encouraging comments

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