Book review - Katha Chanakya & Thus Spoke Chanakya by Dr. Radhakrishnan Pillai


Thus Spoke Chanakya

This book is a pure motivational book focusing on the overall success of an individual. The book is written in a very easy language. When Dr. Radhakrishnan Pillai was approached by his publisher to come up with a new book on Chanakya’s teaching, instead of writing about Chanakya’s teaching, Dr. Pillai thought of writing something, which would go with today’s fast-paced life. The problems faced by people in Chanakya’s time were different than today's. So he simply wrote what he understood from Chanaya’s book “Arthashastra” making it relevant for today’s generation. He wanted that more and more people should get access to the timeless teachings of Chanakya. You will find around 300 one-liners in this book, each explained in two paragraphs covering various topics including family, workplace, leadership, conviction, and results. The author has advised the readers to read this book in different ways. You can read the whole book at one time or read one idea on daily basis or read the book repeatedly. It can be slightly boring due to the repetition of ideas (as claimed by the author at the beginning of this book). The best option is to read one idea every day. You can begin your day by reading a small paragraph from this book. Overall, a decent read for everyone. 


Katha Chanakya

My son asked me to write a review on this book since it’s his favorite book. When I read the book, I felt very nostalgic. I recalled my childhood days when I would watch the Chanakya serial on DD. Katha Chanakya by Dr. Pillai is a compilation of 30 short but insightful tales about Chanakya’s wisdom and the lessons he imparted to his obedient student, Chandragupta Maurya. The author feels that any story should be written in such a way that it should fascinate all the generations. Both child and grandpa should enjoy it equally. You will find such simplicity in his writing. This book is a light read with negligible use of jargon. It is divided into 3 parts, 


  1. Chanakya the Teacher
  2. Chanakya the mentor
  3. The greatness of Chanakya 

 At the end of every story, there are 3 moral teachings. The stories of this book can be read by everyone irrespective of age or background. You can read them for your kids during bedtime. By reading one story daily, kids can develop a reading habit at an early stage. They can even write about their learnings at the end of each story.  A good one time read.

KATHA CHANAKYA|HINDI AUDIOBOOK|Radhakrishnan Pillai|Chapter1

Thus Spoke Chanakya



Chankya - all time Guru....everyone must read...I m egar to read Chanakya through Mr. Pillai's view ....thanks for the review Radha...👍🙂
Ashwini said…
Thank you so much dear

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