Weight loss tips

Get up early every morning without fail and go for a walk. You can do yoga or any other form of exercise for atleast 45 min.

Have a good breakfast. It can be egg, fruits, paratha ect. Dont skip breakfast as it leads to overeating during lunch.

Bread, biscuits, cakes, donuts and other bakery products are high in calories. Avoid eating bakery products on daily basis.

Eat pizza , burger, noodles once in 2 or 3 months. It is good to reduce the amount of intake if you can't stop eating the junk food.

Eat sufficient amount of water in a day which will help in digestion.

Make less use of oil in your food.

Do not sleep in the afternoon. If you have a habit of sleeping after lunch you can take a power nap of just 15 min.

Have your lunch and dinner on time.

Always prefer to eat home made food and snacks.

Do not get depressed if you are not losing weight fast. Work consistently and think positive


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