Happy Mother's Day

How a working mom can strike balance between family and work
The present generation comprises of large number of working moms who want to excel in their workplace as well as in parenthood. Whether you work from home or work from office it gives a pleasure since whatever you have studied is being utilized somewhere. But sometimes full-time work can lead to a guilt in most of the mothers especially when they have small babies. This guilt can lead to stress and eventually disturb your family life. So let us discuss on how to get well-organized and create a balance between work and family. Here are some tips to help you for running your family and career smoothly.

1)      When you are at home be with your family and dedicate all your time to look after your family members. Spend time with them, have fun, cook something delicious for your kids, play with them or take their studies. Don’t bring your work to your home because it will not allow you to relax even after completing your working hours. Try to finish your work in office itself. If you are not able to complete it then reach next day little early to your workplace or stay back for some more time. If you have small children at your home they might spoil your important office papers or play with your laptop which can cause you double trouble. Similarly do not think of your children or some house hold chore when you are in some important meeting. Stop that urge of calling frequently at home unless it is important. It is better to be 100% present at your home and follow the same when at workplace. This will improve your work efficiency since you have to complete your work within specific period and reach home on time.

2)      Some working moms do this mistake of doing everything by themselves even if it is making them tired. They want to clean the house, cook meals everyday, take studies of children and also look after every small job of the house by themselves. When you are working for some organization or running a business it is very important to give your 100%. But if you drain yourself in every single household activity it would not be possible for you to focus on your work. You can always take help from your family members or hire a domestic help for such jobs. Involve your kids in some jobs which will allow you to spend time with them and complete the work at the same time.

3)      Time management plays an important role when you decide to work. Sometimes you do not realize that small chores consume lot of time and you may end up getting late to the office if you do not plan properly.  If you make small amendments in your daily routine you can save your precious hours. Use your weekends to prepare for the rest of the week. You can cut vegetables, prepare gravy and store them in fridge for the whole week. Make use of public transport so that you can use your shuttling time in activities like checking emails. Keep things at proper place and ask everyone else to cooperate with you. You will not waste your time in searching for things at the last moment. Make it a habit for children to keep school bag, uniform and shoes ready at night before going to bed so that next day you do not have to run around for these things.

4)      It is equally important for you to look after yourself along with family and work. If you are exhausted physically and mentally, you cannot focus on work completely and cannot enjoy with your family. Always spend some time on exercising it can be of minimum half an hour. If your working style is sedentary then you need to engage yourself in some physical activity every day to avoid weight gain and other health issues.

5)      Take care of your food habits since it is very easy to get tempted to eat outside when you are at work. Always carry home-made meals for office. Spend your weekends with friends and relatives so that you do not miss your social life.

The most important thing is to be happy with yourself. It is good to have goals in life but do get depressed if you do not reach there as per your calculated time. You just need to work consistently in life, things will automatically fall in place.


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