10 Simple ways to make your life stress free

Stress is major concern in everyone’s life. Stress causes other health problems like heart diseases, depression, cholesterol, thyroid etc. If you make small changes in your daily routine and gain control over your stress, you can live peacefully and attain your goals more easily. Here are few tips on how to reduce stress in life:

Get up early: If you get up before 6 am, you can use this quality time for important activities like planning the day ahead, meditation and exercise. If you are a student you can study during morning hours as there will be no disturbance during early morning.

Stay Organized: Keep your house always clean. Make it a habit to keep everything in proper place so that you do not miss something important. Lot of time is wasted to search for missing items. If you organize things well, you can utilize this time for other useful activities like cooking something special, doing something creative of your choice.  Sometimes you cannot find anything on time and forcefully you have to buy that thing again. Why to waste money on buying same items twice when you can keep them at proper place.

Finish your work before deadline: Always finish your work before time. It can be your office work, household chores or your child’s homework. These things can add stress if not completed on time. Make a list of things that are to be done. Prioritize the work as per requirement and then focus on each work. Do not think about other jobs when you are doing any particular task.

Less is more: Take up small jobs but complete them. If you are inviting some family for dinner cook limited dishes but make sure that everything is perfect. In office also, finish your assignments first and then commit for additional work.

Be Punctual: Always reach your destination before time. When you are invited for a party or conference make all the arrangements like ironing your dress and keeping other accessories ready on previous day so that you do get tense at the last moment. Sometimes you get an important call while you are getting ready. So it is better to be ready 15 minutes early so that you can do other tasks as well.

Stay healthy: Do not skip exercise since exercise is the most important factor that reduces stress. A healthy body can handle stress easily.

Have fun: Spend your evenings with your family and kids. Play with them, take their studies and watch television with them. You can also involve them in your household chores. Kids enjoy more when they are assigned some work. You can take their help in cooking, laundry and decorating your home.   

Engage your mind: Empty mind always thinks of useless topics which add on to more stress. When you have no work you tend to watch senseless TV series and irrelevant sites on internet. Some people waste their precious time on Facebook and WhatsApp which can make them more frustrated in life. Always keep your mind engaged by reading something positive. You can pick up a small part time job, work from home or even create your own blog and write your articles. Keeping yourself busy is the best solution for stress.

Spend carefully: Some people often visit malls on weekends to kill their time and they spend their money on unnecessary things. You can spend your weekends in visiting nearby locations instead or stay at home and play indoor games with your kids. Eating in restaurants has become a common habit which leads to health problems and high expenditure. If you are fond of eating delicious food but not interested in cooking then you can always hire a cook. With this you will give job to a needy person and also save a lot of money.


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