How to stay positive all the time

We always find people suggesting us that you should always have a positive outlook towards everything in life. Successful people have mentioned in their biographies about how positive attitude have helped them in overcoming difficult situations. Many of us must have tried to be positive in their life by taking conscious efforts. But it works as long as situation is in favor of us and we are not into serious trouble. But once we get caught in any problem our mind automatically starts thinking in a negative direction. We don’t even realize that our negative thinking can create more negative events. We feel that our thoughts are just reactions over the situations whereas they are the cause of events happening in our life. So here are few tips on how to stay positive even in tough times so that we get courage to face any trouble in our life.

1)      Always surround yourself with positive people. TV and internet have a very high impact on your minds. Avoid watching negative shows on television and internet. Most of the shows on television are full of violence, harassment and sorrow. Watching these shows regularly can stimulate the brain towards negative thinking.

2)      Read something inspirational like autobiographies of great people, quotes of famous people. By reading them you will get to know about the problems they faced in their lives and how they tackled with the tough situations. There are many motivational videos available on internet which can help you to deal with your problems and reach your goal in life.  

3)      Plan a good work out on daily basis which will keep you in good health. A healthy body will always think positively as compared to a weak body. You should take proper sleep in the night and get up early for workout. Exercising alone can sometimes be boring less motivating. You can join a gym or sports club to keep yourself motivated. If you cannot spend money on gym then you can find a partner who can accompany you in your workout. Sweating after a long workout releases endorphin hormones which are helpful in reducing tension. When you exercise your weight is in control and body gets a good shape which naturally increases your self-confidence. Moreover you get to know people around you and your social life improves when you step out of your house.   

4)      Don’t compare yourself with others in any case. Comparison brings negativity in your life. Instead try to be grateful for what you have in your life. Make use of your talent to help others. Helping others gives a sense of satisfaction which you hardly get in any materialistic pleasure.

5)      Engage yourself in some creative hobby like gardening, music, painting, stitching etc. If you are in a bad mood then listening to some good music can give you instant relief. Make an effort to learn one instrument in your lifetime which will take you to some different world when you are stressed. Music has healing powers which sometimes expensive medicines also fail to provide you.


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