Skin Care tips

1)      Avoid exposure to sun, use umbrella or scarf in case of emergency. Do not wash your face immediately after coming home. It can cause skin burn.

2)      Stay well hydrated especially while going out in the sun. Drink water, fresh juice, buttermilk or lime water in summer.

3)      Avoid eating oily, spicy food from the restaurants. If you are fond of fried items cook them at home.
4)      Eat cucumber, beet root and fresh fruits to keep your stomach clean.

5)      Make use of homemade face packs in place of beauty products available in the market. Natural face products are chemical free and fresh and use of these products will not cause any allergy to your skin.

6)       Wash your face with water frequently. But make sure that you are using clean and personal towel to wipe your face. Keep your towel separate and wash it daily if possible.

7)      Take head bath at least 3 times in a week. You can wash your hair daily if you are not prone to cold and cough. Keeping your hair free from dandruff is a must to avoid pimples.

8)      Before going to bed, always remove your make up and clean your face with a cotton ball and cleansing milk. After getting up in the morning gently massage your face with milk and clean it with a cotton ball. You can wash your face after cleaning.

9)      Sleep for 8 to 10 hours at night to avoid dark circles.

10)   Exercise regularly as sweating helps in attaining natural skin glow.


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