
Showing posts from July, 2017
10 Simple ways to make your life stress free Stress is major concern in everyone’s life. Stress causes other health problems like heart diseases, depression, cholesterol, thyroid etc. If you make small changes in your daily routine and gain control over your stress, you can live peacefully and attain your goals more easily. Here are few tips on how to reduce stress in life: Get up early: If you get up before 6 am, you can use this quality time for important activities like planning the day ahead, meditation and exercise. If you are a student you can study during morning hours as there will be no disturbance during early morning. Stay Organized: Keep your house always clean. Make it a habit to keep everything in proper place so that you do not miss something important. Lot of time is wasted to search for missing items. If you organize things well, you can utilize this time for other useful activities like cooking something special, doing something creative of your choice.

Little things that make you Happy

1)       When you meet your old friend co incidently  2)       When you are walking and it rains suddenly 3)       When you get to eat full bar of a chocolate  4)       When you are driving and your favorite song is played on radio 5)       When you are cleaning your house and you find money in some old purse 6)       When you get extra 5 min sleep after the alarm rings 7)       When you wear warm clothes immediately after ironing 8)       When you get a cup of hot coffee in bed 9)       When you come home tired and your food is already cooked 10)    When you get into your daughter’s dress easily 11)    When you get things cheap after bargain

Skin Care tips

1)       Avoid exposure to sun, use umbrella or scarf in case of emergency. Do not wash your face immediately after coming home. It can cause skin burn. 2)       Stay well hydrated especially while going out in the sun. Drink water, fresh juice, buttermilk or lime water in summer. 3)       Avoid eating oily, spicy food from the restaurants. If you are fond of fried items cook them at home. 4)       Eat cucumber, beet root and fresh fruits to keep your stomach clean. 5)       Make use of homemade face packs in place of beauty products available in the market. Natural face products are chemical free and fresh and use of these products will not cause any allergy to your skin. 6)        Wash your face with water frequently. But make sure that you are using clean and personal towel to wipe your face. Keep your towel separate and wash it daily if possible. 7)       Take head bath at least 3 times in a week. You can wash your hair daily if you are not prone to cold and

Weight loss tips

Get up early every morning without fail and go for a walk. You can do yoga or any other form of exercise for atleast 45 min. Have a good breakfast. It can be egg, fruits, paratha ect. Dont skip breakfast as it leads to overeating during lunch. Bread, biscuits, cakes, donuts and other bakery products are high in calories. Avoid eating bakery products on daily basis. Eat pizza , burger, noodles once in 2 or 3 months. It is good to reduce the amount of intake if you can't stop eating the junk food. Eat sufficient amount of water in a day which will help in digestion. Make less use of oil in your food. Do not sleep in the afternoon. If you have a habit of sleeping after lunch you can take a power nap of just 15 min. Have your lunch and dinner on time. Always prefer to eat home made food and snacks. Do not get depressed if you are not losing weight fast. Work consistently and think positive


Here are few tips on how to stay happy always Always think positive no matter what the situation is. Exercise daily at least for half an hour. Cultivate some hobby which can give you pleasure when you feel lonely. Visit new places and enjoy the experiences rather than collecting materialistic things. Have a sound sleep of at least 8 hours at night. Help others in some or the other way.  Don’t compare yourself with others. Be satisfied with what you have in life Learn something new to engage your mind Read motivational books of great people Listen to your favorite music

Happy Mother's Day

How a working mom can strike balance between family and work The present generation comprises of large number of working moms who want to excel in their workplace as well as in parenthood. Whether you work from home or work from office it gives a pleasure since whatever you have studied is being utilized somewhere. But sometimes full-time work can lead to a guilt in most of the mothers especially when they have small babies. This guilt can lead to stress and eventually disturb your family life. So let us discuss on how to get well-organized and create a balance between work and family. Here are some tips to help you for running your family and career smoothly. 1)       When you are at home be with your family and dedicate all your time to look after your family members. Spend time with them, have fun, cook something delicious for your kids, play with them or take their studies. Don’t bring your work to your home because it will not allow you to relax even after completing your w

How to stay positive all the time

We always find people suggesting us that you should always have a positive outlook towards everything in life. Successful people have mentioned in their biographies about how positive attitude have helped them in overcoming difficult situations. Many of us must have tried to be positive in their life by taking conscious efforts. But it works as long as situation is in favor of us and we are not into serious trouble. But once we get caught in any problem our mind automatically starts thinking in a negative direction. We don’t even realize that our negative thinking can create more negative events. We feel that our thoughts are just reactions over the situations whereas they are the cause of events happening in our life. So here are few tips on how to stay positive even in tough times so that we get courage to face any trouble in our life. 1)       Always surround yourself with positive people. TV and internet have a very high impact on your minds. Avoid watching negative shows on