classical dance songs from movies

 Kahe tarasaye

Laga chunari me daag

Madhuban me radhika 

Jaa tose nahi bolu kanhiya

Pawan Diwani

Mose chal kiye jaye

pankh hote to ud aati re

Gori tori Paijaniya

Dekho Kanha nahi manat batiya


Unknown said…
Good nostalgic collection ashwini.These all time hits.however peculiar thing about famous dance songs are sometimes words and music is very beautiful but dance doesn't suit the words or the pace of dance is too slow or too fast not matching with the feeling in it.( You must watch marathi song latpat latpat tuze chalne...)
Many of these songs and dances are so heart touching that one wants to live with these songs with his/her beloved ones in dreams (hahaha)
Good blog.

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