
Showing posts from January, 2022

My father-An Unsung Hero

My father-An Unsung Hero This story is about my father  “Shyamsundar Pandit Deshpande”  who was an ordinary man with extraordinary deeds. I don’t know how many of my friends would co-relate with this story but what I felt while writing my father’s story was something unexplainable. Going down memory lane, recalling old days spent with my father gave a true satisfaction.  A few days back I spoke to my mother over the phone. The date was on 27th Jan and like every year, we reminisced about my father’s last day in our house. It happened to be the day when he had dinner from my mother’s hands for the last time. On the 28th I got a call from my mother; he was kept on a ventilator. For the next two days, he was critical and on 30th Jan he left us. His age was 76. In those two days, amidst the hustle-bustle of the hospital, I could not even realize that he was leaving us. Over these years, I have started missing him more. In the past four years, not a single day has passed without thinkin